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Can’t Stop Yawning? Here Are The Top Vitamins For Tiredness

If you struggle to wake up in the morning or find your energy levels dropping in the afternoon, you’re not alone. But why do we get tired? There are lots of factors that can cause fatigue, with our vitamin and mineral intake being an important one. Here are our top vitamins for tiredness. 

Why Do We Feel Tired? 

Low energy and general sleepiness can be a warning sign that the body is missing key nutrients. Here are the most important vitamins and minerals for keeping us awake:

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is vital for the production of your red blood cells and a healthy nervous system. This nutrient also plays a vital role in energy metabolism. When we include vitamin B12 in our diet, it metabolises carbs, proteins and fats and converts them into energy.  

Vitamin B12 is most commonly found in animal products, including milk, eggs and poultry. Without enough of it we can suffer from extreme fatigue, pale skin and heart palpitations.  

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Vitamin D

Vitamin D, otherwise known as ‘the sunshine vitamin’ is created naturally by the body from sunlight. In the winter months, the darker days mean our levels of this nutrient can drop. This is why the Public Department of Health recommends daily vitamin D supplementation between October and March. 1 

Symptoms of low vitamin D include tiredness, muscle cramps and bone pain. This vitamin is found in very low amounts in foods, so supplements could be an easier option for those trying to increase their levels.
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Iron is an essential mineral that's needed to make haemoglobin. This protein is found in the red blood cells that carry oxygen around the body. 

One of the most common symptoms of iron deficiency is fatigue. You can up your intake by eating iron-rich foods including liver, beans or red meat. Alternatively, try a daily supplement.  


According to The Sleep Foundation, magnesium contributes to relaxation and stress reduction, both of which impact sleep. A recent study showed that supplementation of 500mg of magnesium over 8 weeks significantly improved insomnia symptoms of participants. 2

The main symptom of low magnesium is fatigue. This is often coupled with weakness and loss of appetite. Magnesium can be found in whole grains and leafy greens. Supplements are also a great option to boost your intake.

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How Can I Fight Tiredness & Fatigue? 

Whilst changing your diet can have huge benefits for tiredness, lifestyle choices have an impact too. Here are our top tips for keeping your energy levels up: 

Focus On Sleep 

Without enough sleep it’s almost impossible for us to feel awake throughout the day. The Sleep Foundation recommends following a short, simple bedtime routine that helps you wind down. The steps of this will vary for everyone, but might include reading, a bath or shower and limited screen time in the bedroom. 2

Cut The Caffeine 

Whilst your morning coffee might give you a quick burst of energy, too much caffeine can actually make you feel worse later on. 

Caffeine works by binding to adenosine receptors in the brain. This means once the caffeine wears off, a build-up of adenosine reaches the brain and makes you feel tired.  

If you really need a coffee, try to have it before lunch as caffeine can stay in your system for up to 10 hours. 

Increase Movement  

When you notice your energy levels dropping in the afternoon, try some lunch time exercise. Studies show that regular movement can help to boost endorphins and reduce daily fatigue. 3

Talk To Your Doctor 

Prolonged, severe tiredness can be a sign of a serious health problem. If you're concerned about your energy levels we recommend you speak to a medical professional.

Take Home Message  

Regular periods of tiredness or low energy can stop us from feeling our best. If you often find yourself fighting fatigue, upping your intake of essential vitamins can help. For those on a busy schedule, supplements can be a convenient way to do this. Shop the full range of Myvitamins supplements for energy here. 

Katie Lambert
Katie Lambert Writer and expert
After studying History at The University of Leeds, Katie moved back to her home town of Manchester to start a career in content writing. Katie has a passion for health and fitness and enjoys running in her spare time. Her favourite topics to write about include healthy recipes, performance strategies and general wellbeing.

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