Let’s Talk Female Health With Sophie Danvers

This March, we're focusing on female wellbeing. We've asked our Ambassador Sophie Danvers to tell us about her recent health journey. From period talk to body confidence, Sophie shares her experiences in her interview...
I came off the pill and completely lost my period. After receiving normal test results and going back and forth with doctors I decided to do my own research. I changed various aspects of my lifestyle, from stress management to reducing exercise. It's been a long process but my body is working normally again now. I want to raise awareness of these types of issues for other young women who might be struggling.
"There needs to be more representation on social media for how our bodies change throughout the month."
One big thing I've noticed is bloating and how it impacts body image. I really do think there needs to be more representation on social media for how our bodies change throughout the month.
"In terms of supplements, my favourites are Ashwagandha and Maca."
Healthy fats are a really important one for me. They're crucial for heart heath, your hair and nails and hormonal wellbeing. I always make sure I've got lots of avocados and nuts in my diet especially.
In terms of supplements, my favourites are Ashwagandha and Maca. Ashwagandha helps the body to regulate stress so it's a great one for every day use.
I also make sure I don't cut out any food groups. I usually eat a plant-based diet but if I feel like some meat or fish I'll have it.
I think periods should be talked about more in schools, workplaces and at home. Women should learn about the changes that happen to their bodies every month and how these affect us mentally and physically.
Watch our full interview with Sophie on Youtube: