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Vegan Fish Oil Alternatives That Are Rich In Omega 3

Omega 3 is essential to our health. It supports our brain function, heart health and is even thought to condition our skin. Omega 3 is most commonly found in fish, but what alternatives are there for those following a plant-based diet? Read on to find out.  

What Is Omega 3? 

The ‘3’ in omega 3 refers to the major types of fatty acids that are ingested in foods. These include:  

  • Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
  • Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) 

Once taken, the body converts ALA into EPA and DHA, which are readily used by the body. These acids help to maintain cognitive function, (1) support normal blood pressure and promote healthy blood triglyceride levels. 2 

Insufficient levels of omega 3 can cause symptoms including fatigue, joint pain and brittle hair, skin and nails. So it really is vital to maintain your daily intake.  

Vegan Fish Oil Alternatives  

Nuts & Seeds  

Nuts including walnuts, pecans and almonds are all sources of omega 3. Seeds are a great option too, especially chia seeds and hemp seeds.  

Chia seeds are well known for their rich nutritional profile. They’re high in fibre and protein and low in calories. These seeds are also enriched with magnesium, calcium and phosphorus – essential minerals for immune function, bone health and more. 3 

Most importantly, chia seeds are a high-strength source of fatty acids, containing more ALA than salmon gram for gram. 4 

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Hemp seeds are a high-quality source of two fatty acids – linoleic acid (omega 6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega 3.) These seeds also contain vitamin E, an important nutrient for cell function. 5 

Algae Oil  

Algae oil is a high-strength source of DHA, making it the perfect plant-based option for maintaining heart and brain health. Myvitamins Algae Oil Softgels are a convenient way to support your levels of this nutrient-rich oil.  

Supplements are a great way to boost your intake of essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. To find out more about vegan-friendly additions to your beauty routine, take a look at our blog post:  

Katie Lambert
Katie Lambert Writer and expert
After studying History at The University of Leeds, Katie moved back to her home town of Manchester to start a career in content writing. Katie has a passion for health and fitness and enjoys running in her spare time. Her favourite topics to write about include healthy recipes, performance strategies and general wellbeing.

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