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Meet Our Ambassador: Beck Wilkinson

Meet Rebekah, a 29 year old mum and self-love advocate. Beck uses her social media presence to spread awareness about the importance of physical and mental wellbeing.  

We’ve asked Beck to share her story and tell us about which Myvitamins products she’s loving right now.  


Meet Beck Wilkinson

Q: What inspired you to become a Myvitamins Ambassador? 

I have Ulcerative Colitis and now have an ileostomy bag, which can make it more difficult to absorb vitamins and minerals, even in tablet formMyvitamins have a range of tablet alternatives that make boosting my intake easier, whether it's in the form of a gummy, shot or snack! 

Q: What are your favourite Myvitamins products? 

I love the Multivitamin Gummies, they taste amazing and contain over 10 essential nutrients including vitamin D, biotin and iron.  

I’m looking forward to trying some of the Beauty Range, especially the Collagen Shots, they seem like the perfect option to give my skin some love over winter.  

Multivitamin Gummies
Was £9.99
Save £4.50
Beauty Collagen Shot (Box of 12)
Was £30.99
Save £16.00
Q: What’s your favourite thing about being a social media influencer?

I love that I am able to help others simply by sharing my own experiences. So much of social media is sunshine and rainbows when real life isn’t always like that. I know that just talking about my feelings and emotions can help others to feel less alone and more normal, which is the main goal of my social media content.  

It’s about time we were able to accept ourselves and feel unapologetically proud!  

Q: What are your top tips for mental wellbeing? 

Comparison is the thief of joy, so I do my absolute best not to compare myself to others. If we spend our time wishing parts of ourselves away then we’ll never be happy, so it’s about time we were able to accept ourselves and feel unapologetically proud!  


Q: What healthy habits do you try to stick to every day? 

I try my best to walk around 7-10K a day. I always feel so much better for getting out of the house and getting some fresh air. 


Q: What advice would you give to your younger self? 

To stop worrying over things I have no control over. Just take each day as it comes and do the best that you can do, whether that’s going to the gym or staying in bed.  

I always say the weekend is like a hangover from the working week.
Q: What’s your favourite way to spend a weekend? 

I always say the weekend is like a hangover from the working week. Depending on how I’m feeling I like to go for a family walk or on a day out for one of days, and then chill for the rest of the time. It’s really important to rest and relax before another week begins.  


Find out more about Beck’s Myvitamins journey here.

Katie Lambert
Katie Lambert Writer and expert
After studying History at The University of Leeds, Katie moved back to her home town of Manchester to start a career in content writing. Katie has a passion for health and fitness and enjoys running in her spare time. Her favourite topics to write about include healthy recipes, performance strategies and general wellbeing.

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