Vitamins 101 | A Complete Guide to Vitamins and Supplements

It can be difficult to know where to start when it comes to vitamins and minerals. Here at Myvitamins, we want to make your health as simple as possible. Whether you want to boost your natural energy levels, strengthen your nails or improve your wellness, we can help. Here’s our complete guide to vitamins and supplements.
In this article, you'll find:
- What are vitamins, minerals, and supplements?
- Why do we need vitamins, minerals, and supplements?
- What vitamins should I take?
- Which vitamins should not be taken together?
- Can you take too many supplements?
- Frequently Asked Questions
What Are Vitamins, Minerals, And Supplements?
Water-Soluble Vitamins
Fat-Soluble Vitamins
There are a variety of minerals, referred to as either ‘major’ or ‘minor’, depending on their importance.
Why Do We Need Vitamins, Minerals, And Supplements?
The body has to create energy at a cellular level, in order to produce enough energy for us to move, breathe and even think! Energy is created by the production and hydrolysation of a molecule called ATP. Many vitamins (especially vitamin B) are involved in the energy production process.
The exact role of vitamins and minerals in the immune system is still uncertain. However, deficiencies of some vitamins can increase the risk of certain diseases and overall illnesses, including autoimmune diseases.
Daily damage from modern lifestyles can lead to a build-up of ‘free radicals.' These are particles within the body that can cause destruction to existing cells, leading to inflammation. Vitamins and minerals contain anti-oxidant properties that help to fight against free radical inflammatory damage.
Easy Breathing
It is not only our lungs that help us to breathe – oxygen is essential for this process and is usually bound to iron in the bloodstream. Low levels of iron equate to a reduced oxygen binding capacity, resulting in lower levels of oxygen available for transfer. This can cause symptoms such as shortness of breath or light-headedness.
Cognitive Function
The blood-brain barrier acts as a filter to protect the brain from harm. However, the brain still requires certain nutrients to function and these need to be able to cross the barrier for maximum effect. Certain vitamins and minerals are able to do this; these help support brain function and maintain overall brain health.
Over most joints in the body lies a layer of cartilage. This acts as a barrier to prevent bones from rubbing together, wearing them down and causing pain. Certain vitamins and minerals are needed to help maintain these barriers, allowing for pain-free and easy movements.
Good Mood
The mood is closely linked to the immune system, hormone levels, energy levels and gut health. An imbalance in any of these can affect physical health, with a knock-on effect on mental health. Having the correct levels of vitamins and minerals can help to support good mental health.
What Vitamins Should I Take?
Don't worry if you're unsure of which supplements to choose. We have a wide range of vitamins, minerals, and supplements to suit your needs:
- Best Vitamins For Immunity
- Best Vitamins For Your Hair, Skin, And Nails
- Best Vitamins For Your Bones And Joints
- Best Vitamins For Energy And Focus
- Best Vitamins For Digestion
- Best Vitamins For Sleep And Relaxation
- Best Vitamins For The Brain
- Best Vitamins For Sexual Health
- Best Vitamins For Older Adults
- Best Vitamins For Menopause
- Best Vitamins For Training
- Best Vitamins For Vegans
Vitamin D
Supporting innate immunity and helping to fight infection, vitamin D also plays a role in gut health, which is also strongly linked to immune status. Vitamin D is usually absorbed through the skin from sunlight; however, during winter months supplementation is recommended due to reduced sun exposure.
Vitamin C
Defence Shots
A blend of vitamin C, B6, B12, zinc and selenium, Myvitamins Defence Shots are essential for innate immunity and are needed for the normal functioning of macrophages. These are the immune cells that trap and help to destroy invaders! Vitamin C of course is high in anti-inflammatory properties, whilst B vitamins help to support energy levels.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hair, Skin & Nails Gummies

The Best Supplements for Joints
Omega-3, 6, 9
Glucosamine HCL & Chondroitin
Found naturally within joint tissue, these minerals have been linked with reducing joint pain by supporting cartilage health and preventing the breakdown of cartilage tissue.
Collagen Creamer
Playing an important role in the structure of cartilage, collagen encourages elasticity. Our Collagen Creamer contains protein, which helps to support muscle repair around the joint and contains the vital collagen needed to help encourage cartilage health.
Vitamin B12
This mineral is responsible for carrying oxygen to the lungs where it can be exchanged for carbon dioxide. Iron deficiency can lead to reduced levels of oxygen being carried in the bloodstream, leading to fatigue and reduced exercise tolerance.
Vitamin D
Sluggishness and fatigue can occur as a result of vitamin D deficiency. Low levels of vitamin D can slow down response of skeletal muscles (voluntary muscles). This can lead to feelings of heaviness and increased fatigue.
Choline is an essential nutrient, meaning the body is unable to synthesise it and must be obtained through dietary sources. Choline supplementation supports liver health by reducing the amount of fat stored in the liver. Fat deposits in the liver can lead to derangement of liver function which has a knock-off effect on the production of bile acid (needed for digestion).
Gut Gummies
5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) is an amino acid that helps to regular your serotonin levels. When serotonin is produced during hours of darkness, it’s converted to melatonin. This hormone is responsible for encouraging sleepiness and may be beneficial if you struggle to fall asleep at night.
There’s a reason that having a dip in the ocean is recommended if you are having difficulty sleeping - the natural salts found in seawater are high in magnesium. Magnesium is shown to improve symptoms of insomnia by activating the parasympathetic nervous system – the part of nervous system responsible for ‘rest and digest’ processes.
Relax Supplements
Stress can have a negative impact on brain health. Nootropics such as Ashwagandha has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties to help fight inflammatory damage; as well as, have a beneficial impact on brain health in individuals with both healthy brains, and those suffering with neurological conditions.
As you age
Pure Caffeine
Well known for its fatigue-fighting properties, caffeine acts as a mild stimulant in the brain, increasing both energy levels and focus. Caffeine also helps to boost dopamine levels, which means we often feel happier after consuming caffeine and our productivity levels increase.
Usually considered to be a superfood due to its high antioxidant properties, maca helps fight inflammatory damage caused by both daily stresses and the aging process. Reduced levels of inflammation are linked to increased sexual function.
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
Best Vitamins For Older Adults
Vitamin D
A-Z Multivitamins
It is quite common for appetite to gradually reduce with age, meaning that older people may be less likely to get all the vitamins and minerals needed. It may be useful to supplement with a daily multivitamin to help support health.
Coconut & Collagen
With collagen levels decreasing with age, joint pain may increase as there is less protection (collagen is needed for protective cartilage). Supplementing with both coconut and collagen can help to increase these levels, as well as provide essential fatty acids found in coconut extract.
Evening Primrose Oil
Containing ‘phyto-oestrogens’, evening primose oil is a substance that mimics oestrogen in the body, so is a useful aid when oestrogen levels naturally fall as part of menopause.
The oestrogen drop that occurs in menopause is the cause of typical menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, brain fog and irritability. Myvitamins Menosure contains evening primrose oil to help prevent these symptoms, as well as vitamins B6, B12 and vitamin D. These vitamins help to fight fatigue, maintain normal hormone function and also help to protect bone health (oestrogen loss is associated with weaker bones and increased fracture risk).
Hormone Balance
Any condition that affects hormones can have a knock-on effect on both physical and mental health. Containing B vitamins to help support energy levels during hormone changes, vitamin C to reduce inflammatory damage, and magnesium oxide to encourage the calming of the nervous system, MyVitamins Hormone Balance is the perfect addition to your routine.
Energy Bites
Containing a blend of protein and carbohydrates, these tasty treats are perfect for maintaining energy levels and fuelling both workout and recovery.
Protein Gummies
Strength training and cardio workouts cause muscle micro-tears, and healing these tears helps create larger and stronger muscles. Protein is needed for optimum muscle repair. Containing 10g of protein per serving, Myvitamins Protein Gummies are a delicious alternative to regular protein powders or bars.
Pre-Workout Gummies
Vitamin B Complex
Algae Softgels
A great vegan alternative to traditional fish oil blends, Myvitamins Algae Softgels are great for supporting anti-inflammatory processes and can also contribute towards normal cell functioning.
Green Tea Extract
Rich in polyphenols ( a type of antioxidant), Green tea has been linked to increased cognitive function and reduced inflammatory damage caused by free radicals The added caffeine helps to provide an energy boost, perfect for a pre-workout alternative, or to help keep energy levels maintained throughout the day.
Which Vitamins Should Not Be Taken Together?
Iron and Calcium
Vitamin E and Vitamin K
Copper and Zinc
With both minerals being absorbed in the digestive system, Zinc tends to be the preferred nutrient. This sometimes results in an increased zinc intake, leading to a copper deficiency.
Vitamin C and Vitamin B12
Folic Acid and Vitamin B12
Can You Take Too Many Supplements?
Whilst supplements are generally not considered to be harmful, it is possible to take too many. Levels of fat-soluble vitamins can accumulate within fat cells, particularly vitamin A can have negative side effects. Some supplements may interact with prescription medications so please speak to your GP if you have any concerns about taking supplements.
Talk To Your Doctor
This article is for educational use only and should not be used as a replacement for medical advice. Myvitamins are not making any health or medical claims. Please contact your relevant healthcare professional if you have concerns about supplementation.
Take Home Message
What are some important vitamins and minerals?
It is recommended that everyone in the UK should take vitamin D during winter months and that all vegans and vegetarians should take vitamin B12 to prevent deficiency.
Is it good to take vitamins and supplements?
Supplements should really be used in addition to a healthy and balanced diet. However, not everyone can achieve the right balance of nutrients through diet alone, so supplementation may be needed. Supplements can also be useful if you are looking to include certain ingredients, such as nootropics.
How do I know what vitamins I need?
Can you take many supplements at once?
It may be beneficial to leave a 1- or 2-hour gap between certain vitamins and minerals due to interaction between them. Why not try adding some supplements to your morning routine and others to your evening routine?
How do you tell if your vitamins are working?
Like most lifestyle changes, the benefits of vitamin and mineral supplementation may not be apparent straight away. However, you should start to see improvements after 2-6 weeks.
When should you take supplements?