Top 8 Beauty Supplements To Add To Your Routine

Used both in topical beauty products and as a supplement, collagen plays an important role in the elasticity of the skin. High collagen levels when we are young gives a ‘plump and bouncy’ look to skin. As we begin to age, skin becomes looser and more prone to damage.
Collagen is also important for movement and flexibility. It helps to provide strength and elasticity to muscle fibres, tendons, and ligaments. This allows us to retain strength and muscle mass. It also allows us to move more freely as joint strength is preserved.
Natural sources of collagen include lean animal proteins, for example, chicken, fish and eggs. Plant based sources of collagen are typically ‘creamy’ foods such as cashews, avocadoes and soy products.
Retinol (Vitamin A)
Vitamin A, like collagen, is also often found both in supplements and beauty products. Retinol containing products are used to increase skin turnover, replacing dead and unhealthy skin with new cells. Strong retinol treatments can be used for cystic acne, as they help to repair the damaged skin barrier.
Within the body, vitamin A is important for helping to reduce inflammation. Free radicals are particles that float around the body and cause damage to cells. Antioxidants including retinol help to reduce the damage caused by these free radicals.
Vitamin A is also important as the body cannot synthesise it. This means diet is the sole source of vitamin A. Animal sources include meat fish and dairy products. Plant-based sources are usually foods that are brightly coloured such as bell peppers, tomatoes, and sweet potatoes.
Niacin (Vitamin B3)
Vitamin B3 (Niacin) is one of twelve B-vitamins, each of which has their own health-promoting properties. A deficiency of vitamin B3 can lead to a condition called ‘Pellagra’. Symptoms include dermatitis (dry skin), diarrhoea, and mood changes. The wide-ranging nature of symptoms shows just how important vitamin B3 is throughout the body, especially gut and brain health.
In regards to skin health, vitamin B3 is commonly found in niacinamide- containing products, often cleaners and toners. Vitamin B3 can help to open blood vessels which helps to boost oxygen supply to an area. Increased oxygen supply to skin can help deliver nutrients and clear waste products, leading to clearer and healthier looking skin.
Yeast extract spreads are an excellent plant-based source of vitamin B3. If you don’t enjoy the taste of these, peanut butter, wholegrain rice, and wholewheat products are also good sources. Animal sources of vitamin B3 include and organ meats and chicken.
Myvitamins Essential Vitamin B Tablets contain niacin as well as biotin, an important vitamin that supports hair growth.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is well known for boosting immune health due to its antioxidant properties. It's also necessary for the absorption of other nutrients such as iron and zinc. Long-term sun exposure can lead to damage to the skin as repeated exposure can lead to increased dryness. Supplementation of Vitamin C can help to counteract the effects of sun damage and increase moisture levels of skin.
This nutrient can also be used to improve the texture of skin – this is measured in terms of plumpness, hydration, and appearance of fine lines. Vitamin C can’t be stored in the body, as it is a water-soluble vitamin. This means it must be eaten daily to maintain adequate levels.
Zinc is a mineral that is used within the body to aid wound healing and reduce inflammation. Historically, topical zinc has been used in the treatment of acne and other inflammatory skin conditions. However, more recently zinc in the form of a supplement has been used to improve skin health.
This mineral is also important for hair and nail growth, as it helps proteins to grow and remain strong.
Many ready-made foods such as breakfast cereals and bread are fortified with zinc. Animal based sources include oysters, red meat, and chicken. Plant-based sources of zinc include chickpeas, baked beans, and most nuts.
Fish Oil
Fish oils contain a type of fatty acids called omegas – the most known are omega 3, 6 and 9. These types of fats are a ‘healthy’ fat and can only be obtained from dietary sources. The body is not able to synthesise these.
Whilst in the 1970’s low-fat diets were popular, it has now been realised that fat is an important nutrient. Diets that contain inadequate amounts of fat, especially unsaturated fats, can lead to skin dryness. Dry, brittle hair and nails are also associated with low fat diets.
Supplementation with fish oil and other omega fatty acids can help to improve the appearance of hair, skin, and nails. Oily fish such as salmon or mackerel contain a high level of omega-3. Plant based sources of omegas are usually derived from algae. Seaweed products such as nori also contain small amounts of omega fatty acids.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is often used in cooking as an alternative to traditional fats such as olive oil or butter.
It has a high smoke point, which means it can be heated to hotter temperatures. Higher smoke points means the benefits are retained within the oil for longer. Coconut oil is high in vitamin A, vitamin E, antioxidants, and medium-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids are important for the structure of hair and skin, similarly to omega 3 fatty acids.
Coconut oil is also often used in skincare due to its moisturising properties. It is also a source of lauric acid, which contains anti-bacterial properties. This can be used to help fight infection on the skin, without disrupting the healthy bacteria that live on the skin (natural skin flora). Similarly, the body can use ingested coconut oil to boost the immune system. Lauric acid can be broken down and used to fight unwanted bacterial or parasitic infections.
It is important to note that coconut oil is high in saturated fatty acids, so should be used in moderation when cooking. Saturated fat is typically known as the ‘bad’ fat, and should make up no more than 10% of total energy intake.
Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic acid forms a large part of the outermost layers of skin. Hydration of these outer layers predominately relies on hyaluronic acid – without this, skin can become dry and irritated. Higher levels of hyaluronic acid can also help with wound healing, especially the repair of scar tissue.
Foods high in hyaluronic acid include bone broth and soy-based products. Citrus fruits and dark leafy greens are also good sources. These foods can also help to boost absorption of hyaluronic acid.
Take Home Message
In summary, there are many ways to support skin, hair and nail health. Fatty acids are a crucial part of healthy skin and hair and there are a few key vitamins and minerals that need to be considered as well. Everyone is different, so it’s worth taking the time to figure out the balance of nutrients that’s right for you.
If you struggle to follow a balanced diet diet every day, supplements can help to fill nutritional gaps. Shop the whole range of Myvitamins Beauty Supplements here.
Talk To Your Doctor
This article is to provide information only and should not be used in instead of medical advice. If you have any concerns about your skin we suggest seeking help from a GP or other medical professional.